My Published Novels

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All my current published novels as available at Amazon in paperback or as Kindle ebooks..

See my author’s page at where you can read sample pages from the paperback versions or download a sample to your Kindle.

Home Run

Doug Preston returns to his home on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula late one night to find his wife, Anne, missing without explanation. When threats and violence follow, Doug hires an inquiry agent. The only clue is that Anne apparently returned to England with a mysterious man named John Moore. Despite the danger to his own life Doug follows the trail to England where with the help of old army and police friends he comes close to solving the mystery of Anne’s disappearance, until reaching what seems to be a dead end. Or is it? Why do the threats continue? Why does John Moore want to confront Doug? How many more twists can there be before Doug finally discovers the truth about Anne?

The Celluloid Kid

Trevor Newell is a hero, though the world around him in the English Midlands of the 1970s sees only a colourless teller behind the counter of the local bank. In the privacy of his own room in his mother’s house, Trevor lives in an escapist world of violent movies, but when fantasy meets reality and brutal robbers come to his bank, his character is tested as he finds himself drawn into a world of harsh realities. Will the Celluloid Kid grow up and does growing up always mean being physically and mentally tough or is there also room for compassion?

Where There Be Tygers

Ex-zookeeper and rainforest living recluse Lewis believes, like nearly everyone else, that the legendary Tasmanian Tiger has long been extinct. But one day, on a walk through the tall gum trees, he witnesses a terrible event that will change everything: his life, the lives of those around him and the legend of Australia’s pouched wolf.
With the help of Angie, the wildlife artist who came into the forest to capture its treasures on canvas, Paul the country vet who shares his unhappy past and Marg, a dogged local journalist, Lewis is forced to face the challenge of engaging with humanity once again in a quest to protect a young and extraordinarily vulnerable life.

Whingeblade – The Soo-nar Stories Volume 1

Soonar is the last of the lion-eagles and Nowan, the prince who must save her. But he doesn’t really want to. He hates responsibility and his demonsword ‘Whingeblade’ would rather soak in hot oil than do any actual work. But, there is no-one else. This tale is about growing up, loyalty to friends and facing life’s challenges. Nothing new, but the true things about life do not change just because the times do. Every generation must pass on its tales to the next to try and ensure that the chain of good things is never completely broken.


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